Conference Program

The Program of the Fifth International Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science is now available.

General program overview

Timetable and topics of parallel sessions

List of all session talks and parallel sessions (last update: March 5th 2025)

Abstracts Keynote-Lectures (please note that the room for the Keynote Lectures has changed to KH 2.016)

Abstracts Symposia

Abstracts Session Talks

Satellite Workshop "Philosophie der Physik" for BA and MA students (supported by GWP and AGPhil der DPG)

The conference takes place at Kollegienhaus, Universitätsstraße 15, 91054 Erlangen. For the Conference Website and for further information on travelling and accommodation in Erlangen see here.


Information on conference registration

Registration for the conference is open until 16 February 2025, 11:59 pm (extended deadline). In order to register for the conference, please use the "my registration" button on the left and the user account, which you created for submitting your abstract on this page. If you did not submit an abstract, you will first need to sign up to by creating a user account. Conference fees are staggerd with reduced fees for students and for GWP-members.

Conference Fees:

  • non-student, non-GWP-member:    90,00 €
  • non-student, GWP-member:          70,00 €
  • student, non-GWP-member:          60,00 €
  • student, GWP-member:                40,00 €

Conference fees can be payed via the online gateway of Staatsoberkasse Bayern or via bank transfer. Further payment information is provided during the registration process. If you have problems with the bank transfer do not hesitate to contact the local organizing team via ziwis-conference[at] We will send confirmations of receipt of your payment on a weekly basis. So please be patient for a few days.


Information on the submission process

After creating a user account, you can submit a proposal for a paper or for a symposium until 15 September 2024 11:59 pm (the deadline has been extended !).

Proposals for papers should be submitted in the form of an anonymized abstract no longer than 500 words (excluding title of the paper and author details). We assume that abstracts will be submitted without a bibliography. No formatting is needed, as the abstract must be entered into the respective field in the submission grid as plain text.

Symposium proposals should be submitted using the form on The abstract for the symposium should be no longer than 500 words (excluding title and author details) and should describe the topic and aims of the symposium. Abstracts for presentations given at a symposium should also be no longer than 500 words (also excluding title and author details). The form can be uploaded as supplementary material in the second step of the submission process. Please also paste the abstract for the symposium into the respective field in the submission grid.

It is possible to edit submitted proposals until the submission deadline.


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